Overcoming Burnout: A Woman's Guide to Achieving Well-Being and Balance

Life today is a whirlwind of responsibilities and challenges, where every minute can feel like a sprint toward an elusive finish line. Particularly for women, juggling personal and professional commitments often leads to an insurmountable daily grind. It's high time we addressed this issue and developed sustainable strategies for women to enhance their overall well-being.

Prioritize Tasks

Task prioritization is an effective way to reduce the stress associated with daily routines. Focusing on the most critical tasks first can enhance productivity while lessening the mental toll. Invest in a planner or utilize digital tools to organize your tasks according to their importance and deadlines. This shift can be a game-changer, helping you take control of your day rather than being controlled by it.

Find Solace in Nature

Spending time in nature can be a powerful antidote to the stresses of daily life. Whether it's a short walk in the park or a weekend hike, connecting with the outdoors can rejuvenate the mind and body. Research shows that even brief interactions with nature can lower stress levels and boost mood, providing a well-deserved respite from the daily grind.

Pick Up Gardening

Finding solace in the embrace of nature, gardening serves as a therapeutic escape from the rigors of daily life. The act of nurturing life, whether in a sprawling backyard or a modest apartment balcony, not only cultivates patience but also deepens our connection with the natural world. The joy of witnessing your plants grow can be a profoundly satisfying experience. For those looking to embark on this calming journey, https://homegardenhero.com/ offers a wealth of resources to help you get started and make the most of your gardening endeavor.

Laugh Out Loud

Laughter is an underrated wellness strategy. Seek out humor, whether it's watching your favorite comedy show, sharing a joke with a friend, or attending a local comedy night. Laughing triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals, promoting overall well-being.

Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is a cornerstone of mental wellness. It entails treating yourself with kindness, acknowledging your achievements, and abstaining from self-criticism. Cultivating self-compassion can improve self-esteem, foster resilience, and promote a positive self-image, empowering you to better navigate daily challenges.

Develop Resilience

Life's inevitable ups and downs can often wear us down. Building resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks can help you navigate these challenges more effectively. By viewing obstacles as growth opportunities rather than roadblocks, you can develop mental strength and foster a more positive outlook.

Reclaim Your Power

Taking charge of your daily routines can be empowering. Practice setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks that nourish you, and creating a balanced daily routine that values self-care. By consciously crafting your day, you can regain control and create a routine that supports your well-being rather than detracts from it.

Start Your Own Business

Entrepreneurship can be a liberating avenue for those grappling with the daily grind. Launching your own business allows you to channel your creativity, assert your independence, and enjoy the potential for greater schedule flexibility. Crucial to setting your venture apart is a distinctive brand identity, where it often helps to use a text logo that resonates with your target audience. With the aid of online logo makers, you can effortlessly shape your unique brand and set the stage for your entrepreneurial journey.

By incorporating these strategies, women can effectively conquer their daily grind, enhance their overall well-being, and embrace a more fulfilling life. Remember, each step, no matter how small, brings you closer to the goal of wellness. It's not about perfection but progress.

GrassrootsHealingMD.org offers a variety of modalities to support self-healing. Visit our website today to find out more or to book an appointment. Achieving wellness is a journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

Written by: Colleen Stewart

Best Strategies to Help Keep Up With Your Self-Care Goals

Best Strategies to Help You Keep Up With Your Self-Care Goals


Whether your goal is to organize your house from top to bottom, to further your professional career or to find more time to focus on your physical health, it’s not always easy to know how or where to start. So we’ve gathered some strategies that can be implemented right away to get you closer to your objectives:


Tame the Chaos in Your Home


If decluttering your house has been one of your goals, but you’ve never really started on it because the task feels too overwhelming and time-consuming, try taking small steps to work toward your clutter-free abode. Start by organizing one kitchen drawer or one bathroom cabinet. Toss everything that is dingy-looking or items that have expired. If you haven’t used an item in a while, but it still has some value, put it in a separate box and either sell it, gift it or donate it. Spending just a few minutes cleaning and organizing a small space, like a coat closet or your laundry room, can be very cathartic and make you feel like you’ve actually accomplished something.    


Freshen Up Your Space


Indoor air pollutants such as pet dander, dust mites, pollen, and dust can wreak havoc on our skin and even lead to breathing issues. Volatile organic compounds found in paint, household cleaners, and carpets can also cause headaches and nausea. To combat indoor pollution, open your windows and let some fresh air in on a regular basis. Turn on your ceiling fans to help the air circulate throughout the house. You may also benefit from installing an air purification system in your home. And, of course, keeping your environment clean with regular dusting and vacuuming is a must. For maximum efficiency, remember to clean your vacuum’s filter regularly (about every three months). You’ll be able to better trap dust and irritants and prevent allergic reactions for you and the people living in your home.  


Take Up Yoga


Yoga isn’t just an excellent way to stretch your muscles, increase flexibility and relax your back; it also has great mental and emotional benefits. People who have taken up yoga as a form of exercise often note a decrease in their stress levels, and many have even noticed an improvement in their anxiety and depressive symptoms. But even if you don’t suffer from anxiety or depression, learning to breathe and meditate through yoga is sure to improve your quality of life, and this ancient practice can even boost your immune system, making you less prone to inflammation and diseases.  


Reach Your Career Goals


Career development goals can help keep you motivated and boost your self-confidence as you reach specific milestones. And with classes and seminars now being held online, you don’t have to take time off work to earn credentials and get a degree leading to a better job or a promotion. For example, if you’re thinking of sharpening your teaching skills, this is a good direction to enroll in the classes you need and gain a deeper knowledge of learning strategies for pre-K to elementary school students. You can also look into upskilling to bridge skill gapsyou may have, so see if your work offers employer-funded programs you can enroll in to improve and expand your skill set.


Achieving your self-care goals will give you a big boost of confidence and improve your mood. If a task seems too daunting, break it up and start small. Reaching one milestone at a time, you will get to your destination.    


Explore holistic healing options at grassrootshealingmd.org. We believe in treating the whole person, mind, body, and soul.

Written By: Colleen Stewart

Essential Self-Care Tips for Those With Cancer

Essential Self-Care Tips for Those With Cancer


If you live with cancer, you know the daily uncertainty, anxiety, and fear that come with it. Practicing self-care is critical for your battle, whether you’ve been in treatment or were just diagnosed.


By taking charge of the parts of your health and well-being you can control, you can put yourself in a stronger position to face the things you can’t control. Today, Grassroots Healing shares a few essential self-care disciplines to help you maintain a quality of life and fight harder than ever.


Surround Yourself With Good People


Cancer is not something you want to try to manage yourself if you can help it. Having a strong support system that helps you maintain your wellness and provides empathy, normalcy, and companionship is crucial. Hopefully, you have close friends and family members in your daily life – those who know you best and genuinely want to help with your needs.


One day you may need a sympathetic listening ear while you need help buying groceries, cooking nutritious meals, or going to doctors’ appointments the next day. If you want to explore a more formal setting, research local or online cancer support groups. You might be surprised how much it helps to speak with other cancer patients dealing with similar struggles.


Prioritize Your Nutrition  


Keeping your weight up is one of the primary goals during cancer treatment. It’s crucial to eat well before, during, and after treatment. Speak with your physician to identify the best diet for your specific needs. Generally, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins comprise a healthy diet. And, of course, you want to drink as much water as possible.


Think of simple substitutions you can make to boost your wellness. For example, maybe you could exchange your soda at lunch for a smoothie. Or perhaps you could keep a bag of nuts handy so you don’t go for the bag of chips. Eating well will boost your energy and make you less hungry.


Maintaining a good diet can go a long way in improving your mental and physical health. But it can also help you improve your strength and energy before and during treatment while reducing the harmful side effects of your treatment.


Keep Exercising


Exercising can help cancer patients improve their quality of life and overall wellness. Before engaging in strenuous activity, however, you should talk to your physician to determine the appropriate intensity level of your exercise.


Staying fit will help you battle fatigue, depression, and insomnia. Ideally, you’ll find an activity you enjoy so that you can stick to it without getting burned out. Anything that keeps your blood flowing and makes you break a sweat can be beneficial, especially aerobic movements like neighborhood walks or swimming.


Follow Your Dreams


The world doesn’t stop for cancer and neither should you. What are your dreams? If you’ve ever thought about going back to school, for instance, now could be the time! Especially if you’ve thought about putting yourself back on the job market or even starting your own business, a certification in information technology could be a big help. And thanks to the flexibility of online learning, you can work at your own pace, wherever you are, to make sure you aren’t overdoing things.


Manage Your Stress


Finally, be proactive in finding practical stress-reducing activities to incorporate into your daily routine. Many cancer patients benefit from practicing mindfulness, yoga, and meditation. You might also enjoy writing in a journal to vent your thoughts and emotions and gain a new life perspective.


If you don’t currently have a hobby that takes your mind off of your daily obligations, consider your interests and research ideas to explore. You could rekindle a hobby from childhood or try something entirely new.




Cancer makes life hard regardless of your lifestyle and habits. Don’t make things more complicated by neglecting your overall well-being. Remember to establish a good support system and look for nutritious alternatives to unhealthy foods and beverages. Also, prioritize fitness and incorporate relaxing activities into your daily routine. You might be surprised how much more energy and strength you feel for fighting another day.


Grassroots Healing is a minority, women-owned company founded by Maryland natives who wanted to bring a holistic approach to health and wellness in the Prince George’s County region. We’d love to hear from you!

Written By: Scott Sanders

Turning Your Midlife Crisis Into An Adventure

Turning Your Midlife Crisis Into an Adventure

So you're going through a midlife crisis. That's normal. It can be tough to find ways to cope and stay positive but don't worry, help is at hand. Today, Grassroots Healing shares some tips that we hope will provide inspiration to help you work through this chapter.

Take Control of Your Health

It's estimated that almost a third of American adults report having a midlife crisis. While a midlife crisis can be triggered by many factors, such as job loss or relationship problems, one of the most common causes is poor health. Fortunately, you can do several things to get your health back on track and overcome your midlife crisis.

See your doctor for a physical examination and make sure to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. Schedule some leisure time into your week and don't be afraid to seek professional help if you have difficulty coping with your crisis.

Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle

Now could be the perfect time to find new motivation to live an overall healthier life. To help you adopt healthier habits, consider investing in items that can boost your efforts. For example, maybe now is the perfect time to get in shape – even if you’re on a budget and don’t have the time or money for an expensive gym membership. If you need extra help in the kitchen to turn out healthy meals with minimal work, look into buying a slow cooker or an Instant Pot. Before purchasing any gadgets or health equipment, always read reviews so you can feel better about your purchases.

Try a Change of Scenery

If you’ve been living in the same place for a while, maybe you could do with a change. Sometimes, immersing ourselves in a new, positive environment is just what we need to reach our full potential. Just make sure you do your homework first, though. If buying is out of the question, there are plenty of rental homes out there, including nearly 60 in Baltimore alone! You can also narrow your search by price and amenities, then visit the area to see what it has to offer.

Hang Out With Like-Minded People

One way to overcome a midlife crisis is to spend time with like-minded people. This could involve joining a club or group that shares your interests or spending more time with friends and family members who support your goals.

Reconnect With Old Friends

People lose touch. It's a sad fact of life. If you are looking to reconnect with formerhigh school friends from Sacramento or the surrounding area, check out dedicated search directories. You'll get quick results and options to contact old friends when you plug in a name, graduation date, and school. Old friends can disappear from your life for various reasons, but it doesn't mean you can't reconnect with them.  

Go Back to School To Learn a New Career

Making a career change can be a daunting prospect when you’re middle-aged. The process may seem even more intimidating if you consider returning to school to earn a degree to become a writer. However, many accredited online programs now make it possible to earn a degree while still working full-time or tending to family obligations. When choosing an online school, compare tuition rates and look for programs that offer flexible scheduling options.

Don’t let your midlife crisis win. By taking control of your health, investing in items to boost your motivation, hanging out with like-minded people, and returning to school to learn a new career, your mid-life crisis can quickly become an adventure.

Grassroots Healing is a minority, women-owned company founded by Maryland natives who wanted to bring a holistic approach to health and wellness in the Prince George’s County region. We’d love to hear from you!

Written By: Colleen Stewart

Being Your Own Best Health Advocate

Being Your Own Best Health Advocate

The pandemic has taught many people just how important overall mental and physical wellness are. With health care professionals still juggling a variety of challenges and more people than ever reporting feelings of hopelessness and depression, there's never been a better time to learn to advocate for your own health.

The truth is that your physical and mental well-being matter, and you're in the best position to advocate for your own health. To get the medical attention you need and deserve in Lanham, MD, it's important to understand how your insurance works, know what services are out there, understand when a second opinion is smart, understand insurance terms, and more.

This article includes a few ways you can best advocate for your own health.

Paperwork and Advocating for Your Health

One of the best things you can do to advocate for your health is to fully understand the big picture. A great way to do this is to request your medical records, make a list of your diagnoses, medications, and symptoms, and get everything in one place. This will help when it comes to communicating with your health care provider.

If you're like many people and have a large medical record, consider using software to create a PDF of your records. Through an extract tool, you'll be able to compress your files, scans, test results, and images in a digital format that's easy to share. 

Especially when meeting with specialists or new providers, be sure to return any new patient forms promptly and bring your records and any questions you have to ensure a more productive appointment with your provider.

Living Healthier

Even the smallest healthy changes you make to your lifestyle can add up. If you're someone who works a lot, you can even make changes at the office. Whether it's parking at the far end of a parking lot, opting for stairs instead of the elevator at work, taking nightly walks, or eating organic, taking baby steps toward a healthier life can add to your quality of life.

A few ways you could begin a healthier life today could include:

• Joining a gym

• Changing your diet

• Taking vitamins under a doctor's guidance

• Making more time for family and friends

• Getting outside and enjoying nature

• Making sure you're getting enough rest

Identifying Great Matches 

As important as it is that you get along well with your health care provider, part of advocating for yourself is being comfortable with your health insurance. Don't be afraid to ask questions before enrolling in a new plan or calling for clarification along the way. Ask your doctor for recommendations on services you may qualify for in your community too. 

Finding Additional Wellness Support

There are no wrong answers when it comes to your plan to get wellness support: the key is getting started. Whether you plan to begin your self-advocacy journey by assembling proper paperwork, joining an online support group, getting a better understanding of your insurance and options, getting a new doctor, or living a healthier life, you don't have to do it alone. Call Grassroots Healing in Lanham, MD, to embark on a healthier lifestyle, join a yoga class, or get support in understanding herbal remedies. 

Written By: Colleen Stewart

Affordable Ways To Make Your Health A Priority Everyday

If you’re struggling with your health but also concerned that it costs entirely too much to prioritize yourself, you are, very fortunately, in luck. The truth is that wellness doesn’t come from expensive fad diets or celebrity personal trainers. Taking care of yourself is simply a matter of making good decisions every day and knowing your risks by age. And these don’t have to drain your bank account. Here are some affordable health strategies that you can start today with little to no investment.

Do yoga. Grassroots Healing explains that yoga is a practice that’s accessible to everyone. And at $30 per month for a four-class pass, it’s also one of the most affordable ways to sync your mind and body. Yoga can help you learn to be more aware of yourself and what you need. This, in turn, will awaken you in many other areas, including making you pay more attention to the other physical fitness that you engage in and what you put into your body.

Eat right. Fad diets don’t work. As The Healthy explains, there are many reasons for this, from causing dehydration to making you feel more tired than you should be. Mostly, however, trendy diet plans are unsustainable in the long term. Not only are you forcing yourself to take on a completely new dietary routine, your body also almost certainly is not getting enough vitamins, minerals, calories, or nutrients. Instead of trying a fad diet, eat foods that promote wellness from within. Inexpensive dietary staples, like beans, along with a few other cheap eats, including avocados, beets, and carrots, can even give your brain the fuel it needs to stave off issues like depression. And when you feel good on the inside, you’ll have more energy to take care of yourself on the outside.

Exercise. Speaking of energy, you may have more energy if you devote part of your day to exercise. Walking, biking, and swimming are all excellent examples of cardiovascular activities that will strengthen your heart while helping you maintain a healthy weight and muscle tone. And thankfully, you don’t need a monthly gym membership to do any of those activities. While you don’t need a gym to exercise, what you do need, however, are breathable clothes and shoes so that you can exercise longer without getting uncomfortable. Plus, a few new workout outfits might even motivate you more. Unfortunately, many of the most popular brands, such as Lululemon and Nike, aren’t exactly budget-friendly. The good news is that you can usually find the Nike promo code or a Lululemon discount online via sites like Rakuten.

Get some sleep. Sleep is, unfortunately, one of the most overlooked self-care strategies, but it is also one that offers a plethora of benefits. There are many scientific reasons that humans and animals need sleep. Energy conservation and replenishing certain hormones in the brain are two of these. Further, when you sleep, your body has an opportunity to restore and regenerate any damaged muscle, tissue, or bone. It’s widely accepted that adults need around seven hours, despite busy schedules and family obligations. Many individuals have turned to using CBD oil to promote restful sleep, and this cannabis-derived compound, which is now legal in most states, can even help with some sleeping disorders, such as insomnia. Before you buy, however, make sure to read reviews and make sure that the cost is justified by quality ingredients and high potency. As you can see, you do not have to devote hundreds of dollars each month to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Look for ways you can alter your routine to promote wellness from the inside out. This might be starting a new exercise routine, eating well, or getting enough sleep. Whatever you choose to do, stay consistent and know that small changes here and there can add up to big results.

-Written By: Jennifer McGregor